Olive Oil – A case of linquistic integrity
A pointless and misleading quest for best and freshest olive oil making it costly – unaffordable for the healthy and pro-environment Mediterranean diet! Markos Dymiotis*
A pointless and misleading quest for best and freshest olive oil making it costly – unaffordable for the healthy and pro-environment Mediterranean diet! Markos Dymiotis*
Basic principles Always use rock salt. Because green olives undergo lactic acid fermentation that lowers the pH value, the brine strength can be at the
By Mark Dymiotis Even the watchdogs need watching. In its online olive oil coverage, the ACCC has apparently embraced the olive oil (OO) industry’s misleading,
By Mark Dymiotis To: Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) I wish to make reference to FSANZ’s email of 7 April 2017 and the statement
By Mark Dymiotis Response to: ‘Oil and trouble’, Epicure, Melbourne, March 15, 2011 A spice merchant calls those using good olive oil for frying and
By Mark Dymiotis The promotion of olive oil has been based on the fact that it is regarded as healthy, protective against some diseases and
Response to: ‘The real thing’, Epicure, The Age, Melbourne, April 13, 2010 By Mark Dymiotis* © That Australian olive oil is of excellent quality is
By Mark Dymiotis Letter to the Editor The Australian olive and olive oil industry is young and risky. Learning from the experience of traditional olive-growing
By Mark Dymiotis Poor olives. They must be very confused. For thousands of years, they were on the table in a supportive role. Now they
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